BITBOARD (BB) is regulated under the laws of the British Seychelles. It is not guaranteed that BITBOARD coin will secure the necessary permissions, licenses, and approvals in all jurisdictions and regions where it is used. BB operates in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations, striving to obtain required permissions and approvals for its operations. Services related to BITBOARD coin are subject to the regulations and policies of each country, and there is no absolute guarantee regarding regulatory permissions and approvals. If the appropriate permissions are not acquired in a service jurisdiction, the services of BITBOARD coin may be restricted or denied on platforms like the App Store.
The value of cryptocurrencies fluctuates daily, and the value of BITBOARD coin (BB) can rise or fall sharply. Please be aware that the price of cryptocurrencies like BITBOARD coin could potentially drop to zero. Decisions regarding the suspension or delisting of BB may be made in accordance with BB's policy. BITBOARD coin does not assume any responsibility for such situations.